Saturday, November 22, 2008

Best father daughter activity ever ^^

So there are few things that make Chris happier than his daughter. Shes the best little baby every. But a close second is Street Fighter ^^ As most of you know Chris likes video games (kinda funny cuz to people that aren't really into video games Chris seems like a hardcore gamer, on the other hand real hardcore gamers see Chris as a more casual gamer). One of Chris all time favorite video game series is Street Fighter. I still remember seeing Street fighter II in the arcade growing up and bugging my parents for quarters so I could play it. I remember walking a mile or two to the grocery store with my cousins so we could play at thanksgiving. I remember going to the neighbors house to play cuz my parents didn't let us get video games until high school. In high school I imported street fighter playstation games so I could get them 2 months before they would come out in the states. I'm not really sure why I like street fighter I'm not good at (well not good enough to be a pro) but I just like it. So this year is the first year a new streetfigther game has come out in like 8 years (I think). And it hit arcades first. I've been trying to think of a good reason to go the the arcade and play it but just couldn't come up with one. About two weeks ago we went out for dinner with some friends visiting Seoul and ended up going to Shinchon (place where all the college kids hang out). So while Jinhee and her friend where out shopping me and Hanee along with my friend Chun and there baby kinda just had to walk around and look at stuff. Chris saw an arcade and knew he needed to check for some street fighter IV action. Sure enough they had a post up saying it was in the basement. Chris at first was just gonna look at the arcade cabinet and not really play it (Chris really wants to own a bunch of arcade machines some day). I gave into the temptation put in my 300 won (about a 15 cents now ~~;;) and started to play. I couldn't really set Hanee down anywhere so I just held her on my lap and played. The best part is that you play against other people right. So a kid sits down across from me and we start playing, but since you are across from each other you can't really see the other person you just play against them. Chris totally kicked the kids trash~~ so he sent his friend over to see who he was playing against. There are some foreigners in Seoul but not many hang out in arcades, so when his friend saw that I was a foreigner he would have normally been surprised. But when his friend saw that I was a foreigner holding a baby on my lap and I still won, he had to do a double take. He then walked back to his friend and started making fun of him cuz he not only lost, but lost to the white guy holding a baby ^^ Jinhee's friend took these pictures to show what an awesome dad I am... okay maybe to show how sad Hanee looks ~~;; (She was perfectly happy to sit with dad and suck on her binky). I need to post some other more important stuff but for today this should be good. (Oh yeah, and now that I live in Korea and have access to Streetfighter games straight from Japan ^^, If you need anything from Thailand let me know... I'll be going tomorrow and back on Tuesday)