Monday, May 25, 2009

Shoes, School, and back to the states

Things are moving along pretty quickly for us now. We are getting ready to make some big changes at the Colton home. Hanee has been growing and reaching important milestones all the time. (She still hasn’t reached the 10 kilo mark, but she’s getting close). The last couple of months have been filled with lots of first for Hanee, as well as some other exciting developments. My favorite development so far is her talking. She’s been saying stuff for a while now, and we talk to her all the time but she never really repeated what we said. A few months ago that changed. Here is a list of the words she can say, and understand.

In English
“Fishy” (fish)

In Korean
“신발” sinbal – Shoes (This was the first word that she said other than mommy/daddy/food)
“멍멍이” mung mung ee – Puppy (also the sound a dog makes in Korean)
“엄마” omma – Mommy
“아빠” appa - Daddy
“마마” mama – Food (This is not the regular Korean word for food, just baby talk)
“물” moeul – Water
“부바” buba – piggy back (Korean baby talk)
“이 것” ee geot – This thing?
“뭐야” mo ya – What is this? (the full sentence is “이 것 뭐야” of “what is this?” but most of the time she just uses one or the other)
“없다/없어” opda – All gone (The Korean literally means “something does not exists”) she is really smart about this and if you tell her that something is “opda” she understands that its gone now.

Understand – everything above plus some simple Korean (I know I know she’s working on the English but I’m not home much during the day)
“Come here”
“Bring me _____”
“Give this to _____ (mom/dad/aunt)
“Sit down”
“Stand up”
“Lets go”
“Time to eat”
“Kimbap” (rice and seaweed)
“Bath time”
“Give _____ a hug”
“Give _____ a kiss”
“Give _____ a pat on the back”
“You’ll be okay / Everything’s okay”
“Don’t touch that”
“That will hurt you”/”Ouch”
“Lay down”
“Go to sleep”
“Lets read”

I’m sure there is much more but that’s what I could come up with for right now.
As for Chris, I’m getting ready for school. I had to take two online classes, I’ve finished both of them and now have a little more time to relax. School starts in August but we will be heading to Utah the end of June. June 29th to be exact. I’m really looking forward to being an American again. Its strange but a lot of times I don’t feel like an American while I’m here. I hang out with Americans but work with all Koreans. Lots of times I don’t think of my self as a typical American, even though I do lots of American type things while in Korea… I don’t know hard to explain. I there are lots of things I like about being in Korea, and then there are things that really bug me (driving/traffic). I’m excited to move, we have a little over a month to go. I our stuff will be shipped out on June 3rd, and we will get it some time in July. Then it’s “bye, bye” to the land of the morning calm. I’m not sure how long it will be until will be until we come back to Korea. But I’m sure we will be back some time. (At least to visit ^^).

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

나 같으면 그렇게 안하겠다 ~

Some times I just want to take a break from everything, and when I do it makes me realize I have so much to do that I don't have time to take a break. I was thinking about how some people always seem to have time to do the things they need to, and the things they want to. I'm not sure what I need to do to become one of those people, but I hope I figure it out sometime. Life is going good for the family right now, it just seems like we are always busy. (I'm pretty sure part of that is living in Korea, because even if you aren't doing anything in Korea you are always busy... or at least thats what people told me when I was a missionary.) To be honest, I do have alot of things to do so that my family will be able to smoothly transition to life in America. We did get Jinhee's visa and that was the biggest relief. I'm pretty sure for the week after that was over I didn't feel busy or stressed at all. Maybe its because yesterday was supposed to be a holiday and I was at work... although my co-workers came to work sat and Sunday too... guess I shouldn't complain too much.

While I'm ranting I want to throw out a fun little story about work. My work comes in uneven chunks. When I have training to do overseas, I'm really busy preparing to do the training. That doesn't bother me too much because I'm pretty good at training. I'm not amazing at it, but I do all right. And I usually get to visit some cool country, and do zero sight seeing (okay so thats not 100% true, I've seen some pretty cool stuff). Anyhow back to my work rant. Then I kinda sit round at work for a while during the dead time, review some documents, update/study new accounting policy. Thats what I do until they throw me something to translate. Chris doesn't like to translate documents. Chris likes Korean, he likes to study Korean, he likes to practice Korean, he likes to learn new Korean words, but he doesn't like to be given a 20 page Korean document and told could you have that done for us in the morning. Chris isn't actually that good at translating documents. I can do it, I do a better job than most people in my group... the only problem is it takes me a long time. I can't just throw out 20 pages in 7 hours. 20 pages usually takes me 3 or 4 days, not 1. Work always wants me to get it done in 1 and then I have to tell them that Chris isn't a professional translator, he's never taken a Korean class... all that fun stuff. Any how the point of this all is about a month ago I spent an entire week translating like 30 pages of stuff for an official document for the CFO of our company. Yesterday I translated like 10 pages of stuff for a meeting my group is having with the CEO. I asked someone in my group if I could get an official copy of the stuff I translated for the CFO... they said yeah we didn't use that. I'm pretty calm... I think... I almost lost it... I had to go take a time out. Sit down. Breathe. Of course I had a copy of the stuff, but I wasted a week translating it, being stressed and working late, not spending time with my family, so that this could get done.. and then they didn't even use it. Wonderful. Sorry... I guess I just needed to get some stuff outta my head. Thanks for listening.

'End Rant'

The picture above is just because I love my baby girl. Jinhee did her hair up so cute. I'm always happy I have her. Jinhee and Hanee get home tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it.